We've been gearing up for the switch from the ERBs to the MAPs for several months, and it's exciting to have Implementation Day just around the corner (or weekend, literally). In case you aren't familiar with the Measure of Academic Progress (MAP), you can read all about our decision to switch from a standardized test to a formative assessment, about which I am absolutely ecstatic: we'll get useful data about student learning that can inform instruction in a timely fashion, and that's really cool. This testing is also so much better aligned with our constructivist philosophy about how children learn, and the purposes of assessment!
Today we had Steven Davis from NWEA walk six administrators and six teachers through the login protocol, and train us in how to proctor the exams. From a proctor's computer, a teacher can see which exam each student is taking, which question each student is on, how long the student has been on that question, and can pause, suspend, or terminate the test as needed. Undoubtedly we'll have a few bumps as we put our new technology (upgraded wireless routers, and several brand new chromebooks) through its paces, but hopefully the students will feel good about the experience.
If you are interested, you can read about Steve's perspective on his day at TBS over at his blog. He'll be coming back on Friday, October 11th -- our scheduled Professional Development day -- to help train us on making sense of the reports and data.