I picked this as a goal based on the data I received from the "360 degree" assessment tools reported back to me during the week I spent in Atlanta this past July at the NAIS Fellowship for Aspiring Heads. The data juxtaposed my view of myself with the views of me held by the Head of School, a group of other administrators, and a group of teachers; my analysis of those different views, as well as some of the direct, anonymous comments, convinced me that in order to become a more effective leader, I needed to increase my understanding of how I experience and respond to my emotions.
Fortunately, there is a fabulous organization right here in the Bay Area that specializes in developing EQ in individuals, families, schools, corporations, and other institutions. Six Seconds has a wide array of tools and trainings, from a Social-Emotional Learning ("SEL" in EQ terms) curriculum for schools called Self-Science, to social-emotional profile assessment tools, to a program to certify people as EQ trainers. Today (and tomorrow) they hosted a conference on EQ at Synapse School in Menlo Park, which I was fortunate to be able to attend (TBS' commitment to professional development never ceases to amaze me!).
In his original text, Goleman breaks emotional intelligence into five distinct

areas - self-awareness, altruism, motivation, empathy, and the ability to love and be loved. Six Seconds recasts these ideas into a two-part model. The first part of the model has three "pursuits": know yourself (awareness), choose yourself (intention), and give yourself (connection and purpose). The second part of the model breaks these pursuits down into specific competencies: enhance emotional literacy, recognize patterns, consequential thinking, navigate emotions, intrinsic motivation, optimism, increase empathy, and pursue nobel goals. By taking the SEI assessment, an individual can identify which competencies are strengths, and which are areas for more growth.

I've been carefully tracking emotional experiences I've had at work this year, using a form I created based on one I saw during my time in Atlanta this summer. Today, I was able to make another jump forward in thinking about how I'm paying attention to my EQ experiences; since enhancing emotional literacy and recognizing patterns are among the lower-scoring competencies on my self-assessment, I began looking for information to help me develop in those specific areas. I was thrilled to discover Plutchik's circumplex model of emotions, which I am now going to adapt into some sort of tracking form. I also realized that I need to begin not just tracking my EQ experiences, but looking back at the entries to discover my patterns, which I will then be able shift.
I hope to eventually begin working with the elementary faculty on the idea of teaching emotional intelligence. We already do great work using concepts drawn from Responsive Classroom and Positive Discipline to create a program that contains many intentional curricular components, and is responsive to the social-emotional needs of students. For now, however, I'm just working on, and talking about working on, myself.
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