I am so thankful and appreciative to the incredible crew of parents (and kids!) who showed up to help out on Saturday. The K/1 playscape and the MS deck now look amazing!! We're ready to build a good-lookin' fence at the north end of the playscape, to plant a rain garden in the planter between the art room and Cerrito Creek, and to introduce "lincoln logs" to our recess offerings. If you see Adam Beyda, Blue Camacho, Helen Hallberg, Signy Judd, Kate Klaire, Erin Lewis, Jean Marstens, Willie Pettus, Neal Rubin, Eitan Spanier, Megan Vieira, Jon Witort, or Dave and Will Yetter, please give them a hi-five and a thank you too!

Welcome to the blog of Zaq Roberts, Associate Head of School at The Berkeley School in Berkeley, CA. I blog about a wide variety of topics, from classroom moments I witness, to administrative events and conversations, to the educational blogs, videos, and books I am reading and watching, and how they are influencing my thinking. I hope this eclectic approach will give you insight into the many ways that I am engaging in advancing the school and strengthening our program, and I welcome your thoughts and comments!
This blog takes its name from a quotation by Archimedes that reads "Give me a lever long enough, and I can move the world." The TBS mission speaks directly to the need to engage a changing world, while many of the experiences in our program focus on the development of students' agency and authority. TBS is the lever by which we all - administration, faculty, students, and parents - can together move the world to be more humane, compassionate, and responsive. To borrow an important Montessori phrase, it is our way to remake the world.
Monday, October 24, 2011
Site day a smashing success!
I am so thankful and appreciative to the incredible crew of parents (and kids!) who showed up to help out on Saturday. The K/1 playscape and the MS deck now look amazing!! We're ready to build a good-lookin' fence at the north end of the playscape, to plant a rain garden in the planter between the art room and Cerrito Creek, and to introduce "lincoln logs" to our recess offerings. If you see Adam Beyda, Blue Camacho, Helen Hallberg, Signy Judd, Kate Klaire, Erin Lewis, Jean Marstens, Willie Pettus, Neal Rubin, Eitan Spanier, Megan Vieira, Jon Witort, or Dave and Will Yetter, please give them a hi-five and a thank you too!
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