
Welcome to the blog of Zaq Roberts, Associate Head of School at The Berkeley School in Berkeley, CA. I blog about a wide variety of topics, from classroom moments I witness, to administrative events and conversations, to the educational blogs, videos, and books I am reading and watching, and how they are influencing my thinking. I hope this eclectic approach will give you insight into the many ways that I am engaging in advancing the school and strengthening our program, and I welcome your thoughts and comments!

This blog takes its name from a quotation by Archimedes that reads "Give me a lever long enough, and I can move the world." The TBS mission speaks directly to the need to engage a changing world, while many of the experiences in our program focus on the development of students' agency and authority. TBS is the lever by which we all - administration, faculty, students, and parents - can together move the world to be more humane, compassionate, and responsive. To borrow an important Montessori phrase, it is our way to remake the world.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Space shuttle Endeavour fly-by

What a blast to watch the space shuttle Endeavour fly by on its farewell tour up on the Middle School deck with grades 2-8. After a very long wait, just after I talked to the kids about how sometimes we wait and are rewarded, and sometimes we wait and are disappointed (never waste a teaching moment, right?), and had dismissed one class to return to the classroom, a teacher pointed to the hills behind me and shouted "There it is!" And the kids went crazy with cheering and shouting. 

The shuttle looks small in this picture, but to us on the ground it was astonishingly big - more like the second photo below. 

It was a moment, and experience, that that connected us together deeply in a manner that I was not expecting - the shared tension of the long wait, the disappointment of thinking we wouldn't see it, and then victory snatched from the jaws of defeat created a raw, precious energy and excitement for students and teachers alike. 

In this shot taken from the roof of the BUSD headquarters down the street, you can see TBS and the crowd of students and teachers cheering the fly-by.

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