
Welcome to the blog of Zaq Roberts, Associate Head of School at The Berkeley School in Berkeley, CA. I blog about a wide variety of topics, from classroom moments I witness, to administrative events and conversations, to the educational blogs, videos, and books I am reading and watching, and how they are influencing my thinking. I hope this eclectic approach will give you insight into the many ways that I am engaging in advancing the school and strengthening our program, and I welcome your thoughts and comments!

This blog takes its name from a quotation by Archimedes that reads "Give me a lever long enough, and I can move the world." The TBS mission speaks directly to the need to engage a changing world, while many of the experiences in our program focus on the development of students' agency and authority. TBS is the lever by which we all - administration, faculty, students, and parents - can together move the world to be more humane, compassionate, and responsive. To borrow an important Montessori phrase, it is our way to remake the world.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

We All Live in a Yellow Submarine

This morning featured the second K-8 assembly of the year. After a short reminder of why we have assemblies (to Build, Strengthen, Share, and Celebrate, of course), we launched into a rousing rendition of Yellow Submarine (The Beatles were September's "Composer of the Month" in K-6 music).

The first Showcase of Learning this year was presented by Laurel Creek, who treated us to three songs they have learned about the sounds of letters. I captured the second half of the Vowel Song: the movements provide a kinestic reinforcement for the sound to the students.

Kate Klaire then discussed the work of this year's Student Council, including an acknowledgement of last year's pioneering Student Council representatives.

Next, the Middle School presented a Showcase of Learning about the recent 7th/8th grade rafting trip, complete with tableaus of the emotions they felt at various points of the trip, reading aloud a reflective essay about the experience of one student, and finishing off with a slide show.

We completed our celebration of The Beatles (Happy birthday, John Lennon) and closed out the assembly with All You Need is Love.

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