Monday, October 31, 2011
Monday reading
Thursday, October 27, 2011
10/26 Elementary Division Meeting
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Recognizing what's going right

Monday, October 24, 2011
Site day a smashing success!
I am so thankful and appreciative to the incredible crew of parents (and kids!) who showed up to help out on Saturday. The K/1 playscape and the MS deck now look amazing!! We're ready to build a good-lookin' fence at the north end of the playscape, to plant a rain garden in the planter between the art room and Cerrito Creek, and to introduce "lincoln logs" to our recess offerings. If you see Adam Beyda, Blue Camacho, Helen Hallberg, Signy Judd, Kate Klaire, Erin Lewis, Jean Marstens, Willie Pettus, Neal Rubin, Eitan Spanier, Megan Vieira, Jon Witort, or Dave and Will Yetter, please give them a hi-five and a thank you too!
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Rethinking assemblies
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Site/garden work party coming up this Saturday!
K/1 playscape
-Remove boat
-Remove hay bales
-Cut back any plant that is extending into the walking space defined for children
-Prune grape vines, native plants bushes, lemon tree, apple tree, all other plants
-Remove and compost any rotting apples/ lemons
-Remove plywood scraps at the south end
-Remove all debris at the north end by the metal shed
-Repair/oil vises for woodworking station
-Build a fence where the hay bales and wine barrels currently are
-Put a small table (or other item) off the back of the berm to break up the path
-Design a “create with nature zone” at the south end
-Install shade cover over outdoor classroom arbor, similar to the one above the Laurel Creek back door (corrugated plastic cover)
-Plant butterfly attracting flowers along the west fence
-Organize the trash, compost, and recycling.
-Create a more definite boundary b/n woodchips and sand
Middle School Deck
-Store all aquarium components in the shed (tools/filter from the very edge of bed closest to the stairs; tank; lights and hanger; nitrogen canister)
-Compost all dead plant next to disposal bins
-Remove the standing rectangular bed (formerly a water garden)
-Repurpose the barrels that have nothing growing in them
-Move the blue rain barrels to the storage area north of the K/1 playscape
-Remove the plastic pots that are sitting on the table near the shed
-Plant in the planters
-Remove rusty chairs
-Straighten out/arrange picnic tables for visual aesthetic
Other spaces
-Lincoln logs: create a station to cut these (Kate has template), and a storage unit outside the West wall of the art room
-Path between art room and cerrito - make it a rain garden: loosen the compacted earth and amend the soil (don’t damage the irrigation system!)
-fence off the area under the south stairs behind/around the playhouse
-Create improved privacy/barrier on fence behind building 1 using bamboo sheeting.
Monday, October 17, 2011
Operational Plan
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Sunday Reading
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Admissions season begins!

Monday, October 10, 2011
Monday reading
Friday, October 7, 2011
Today's professional development day
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Developing my EQ