Last week I wrote about the process we're using with faculty to create learning outcomes. In advance of tomorrow's faculty meeting, I've created word clouds based on their responses to the survey we had them fill out last month. First I coded faculty responses to each of the questions, and then used
Wordle to create these clouds, setting the size of each word to reflect the relative number of times the concept was mentioned. We'll be discussing these, and also a first rough draft of learning outcomes based on all the work we've done so far this year. Click on each cloud for a close-up!
What are the dominant trends and forces in the world?

What are the challenges that children will face as they grow?

What are the qualities children will need to face these challenges?

What elements are already in place at TBS to support the development of these qualities?

What elements are still needed at TBS to support the development of these qualities?

I like your work on the word clouds Zack. Honesty - Intention - Now - Good stuff