In this light, though John Baldoni's article on CBSnews.com purports to be thinking about leadership for 20 years in the future, much of what it says is immediately relevant today:
"The post-heroic leader will need to balance the role of boss, mediator and coach, allowing teams more freedom and autonomy while at the same time keeping them focused on objectives," the Hay report says. In other words, it ain't about you the leader -- it's all about the team. Note the use of the word "post-heroic."
In school settings, it is truly "all about the team." As a leader, my goal is to support and ensure the success of every teacher (who does the same for each student under his or her tutelage), and one of the most powerful tools I have to do that (along with curriculum development support, resource support, and professional development) is to ensure that each faculty member feels that s/he is a member of a successful team. To this end, we use a variety of teams within the division itself; teaching teams within each classroom, grade-level teams across the classrooms, and a division-wide team for issues that concern all classrooms. We also use teams across all three divisions of the school (ECC, Elementary, Middle School) to discuss (and resolve) certain issues, such as curriculum alignment.
Creating good teams is difficult work that requires constant attention to subtle dynamics and interactions, and there is no shortage of literature about creating teams. It's a topic in the first meeting of the year I had with each teaching team, and one we return to throughout the year at each type of team. For example, at last month's Elementary Division meeting, the group brainstormed ways to make our meetings more effective (by level, division, and whole school). Similarly, during the break I came across this article from the Harvard Education Publishing Group on rating (and thereby having a basis for thinking about improving) a teaching team, which I'll be sharing with the teachers during our February division meeting.

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